Why we serve love on every bite

Two years ago, we joined a bazaar and sold our pastries together with other home-based entrepreneurs. Our first customer was a long-haired, tough-looking guy whom I offered to taste banana cake with choco chips for free. After a bite, he said, “Grabe, ang sarap nito!” and decided to buy one loaf! This made me feel happy because it just meant that our product was really good! We offered others to taste our other products for free and most of them brought home a paper bag of goodies. This experience made me realize that business is not really about money. After seeing our customers’ delighted faces and feeling joy in my heart, I believed that entrepreneurship is indeed about love.

We have had failed businesses before which created fear to venture to another business again. I pray that through God’s guidance we would continue to make The Pastry House more successful in blessing others. This experience led us into our mission to bake with love so we can serve love on every bite!


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